Public impact
Public Impact via educational films and television shows featuring our research programme

2020 Report on the “SciShow”: external page Why Are These Bees Stabbing Plants? Hosted by Hank Green.

2017 Documentary: When Plants Fight Back (bioGraphic). Directed by Amy Miller/ Produced by Spine Films (2018 Webby Award- Documentary Series) Webby Award for Documentary Series.
Public Impact via academic and popular press coverage (selection)
- Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Wissenschaftsmagazin, external page Der Trick der hungrigen Hummeln
- The Science Times, external page No Pollen? No Problem! Bees Puncture Plant Leaves to Accelerate Flower Production
-, external page Comment les bourdons incitent les plantes à fleurir plus tôt en attaquant leurs feuilles
- Süddeutsche Online, external page Insekten knabbern Blätter von Pflanzen an. Allerdings nicht, um sie zu fressen.
-, external page Hummeln kneifen neuerdings Pflanzen Darum gehts Hummeln – cleverer als gedacht
-, external page Hummeln beissen Pflanzen zur Stimulation
- National Geographic, external page Bumblebees bite plants to make them flower early, surprising scientists
- Scientific American, external page Bumblebees Bite Plants to Force Them to Flower (Seriously)
- BBC | external page Bumblebees' 'clever trick' fools plants into flower
-, external page Clever bumblebees trick plants
-, external page Wie Hummeln zu Gärtnern werden
- Tagesspiegel, external page Hungrige Insekten machen Pflanzen Stress
- ETH Zürich, “Bumblebees speed up flowering”, P. Rüegg