Educational films and television shows before 2017

2015 Documentary: The Seductive Pathogen. Directed by Onome Ekeh/ Featurezoo

Thumbnail World Science Festival

2014 Documentary: external page Scents and Sensibilities: The Invisible Language of Smell. World Science festival, New York 2014

  • 2014 Documentary: How Do Aliens Think? Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, Discovery Science Channel.
  • 2013 Documentary: What Plants talk about.  Nature, PBS TV.
  • 2013 Documentary: Invisible Nature- Plants communicating. Monalisa Productions for French Public Television (France 5). ( awarded a best series prize at the 15th Polish Wlodzimierz Puchalski Nature Film Festival)
  • 2012 Documentary: Plant behavior and communication. The Nature of Things with David Suzuki, CBC TV. (Best science/nature documentary, Canadian Screen Awards)
  • 2011 Documentary: Intelligent Plants. Matthew Productions, German/French public television. (Winner of the silver world medal at the 2011 Best television & films New York festival, NYC)
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