
Selected papers
Bumble bees damage plant leaves and accelerate flower production when pollen is scarce
Pashalidou F.G., Lambert H., Peybernes T., Mescher M.C. and De Moraes C.M.
Science, vol. 368: no. 6493, pp. 881-884, 2020.
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Volatile biomarkers of symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria infection in humans
De Moraes CM, C Wanjiku, NM Stanczyk, H Pulido, JW Sims, HS Betz, AF Read, B. Torto & MC Mescher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(22) (2018): 5780-5785
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Identification of an insect-produced olfactory cue that primes plant defenses
Helms, AM, CM De Moraes, A Tröger, HT Alborn, W Francke, JF Tooker & MC Mescher
Nature Communications 8 (2017): 337
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Herbivore-induced plant volatiles in natural and agricultural ecosystems: open questions and future prospects
Gish M, CM De Moraes & MC Mescher
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 9 (2015): 1-6
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The role of plant sensory perception in plant–animal interactions
Mescher MC & CM De Moraes
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (2) (2015): 425-433.
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Malaria-induced changes in host odors enhance mosquito attraction
De Moraes CM, NM Stanczyk, HS Betz, H Pulido, DG Sim, AF Read & MC Mescher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (30) (2014): 11079-11084.
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Plant biology: Pass the ammunition
Mescher, MC & CM De Moraes
Nature 510 (7504) (2014): 221-222.
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Exposure of Solidago altissima plants to volatile emissions of an insect antagonist (Eurosta solidaginis) deters subsequent herbivory
Helms, AM, CM De Moraes, JF Tooker & MC Mescher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (2013): 199-204.
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Deceptive chemical signals induced by a plant virus attract insect vectors to inferior hosts
Mauck, KE, CM De Moraes, & MC Mescher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(8) (2010): 3600-3605.
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Volatile chemical cues guide host location and selection by parasitic plants
Runyon, JB, MC Mescher & CM De Moraes
Science 313 (2006): 1964-1967.
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Caterpillar-induced nocturnal plant volatiles repel conspecific females
De Moraes, CM, MC Mescher & JH Tumlinson
Nature 410 (2001): 577-580.
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Herbivore infested plants selectively attract parasitoids
De Moraes, CM, WJ Lewis, PW Paré and JH Tumlinson
Nature 393 (1998): 570-574.
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